SHIRINA Rashid’s letter “Optical shops not manned by eye-care specialists” (The Star, March 24) has not only caught my attention but also has hit the nail on the head regarding the issue of fake eye-care professionals in Malaysia.
As an expatriate who has made Malaysia his second home, the writer’s letter has not only addressed her concerns towards the standard of optical care and health for the public, present and future generations, but also left me shuddering at the thought of leaving my eye health in the hands of those unlicensed rogues who have no knowledge whatsoever in relation to optometry.
Just when I thought fake health professionals like quack doctors and rogue dentists were things of the past, it seems to me they do exist in this day and age even as unqualified, unlicensed “eye-care professionals” like what Shirina had addressed.
Where I come from in Britain, the Ministry of Health and optometrists association would work together to conduct routine inspections on opticians and optometrists to ensure they are not operating their businesses illegally and are not possessing fake certificates or licences.
Kuala Lumpur.
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